Camilla Turns Fourteen Years
By Camilla Garrison
On Friday the thirteenth, moderately famed Camilla Garrison hit the fourteen-year mark. Camilla had a very eventful day, since it was a school day, but didn’t have to go to bed early. That morning, Camilla and her sibling Isaac ate Zebar’s Bagels (brought from Manhattan, New York along with their grandmother Claudia Dowling) and a pancake. Camilla opened two of her presents before school the more notable one: A Harbor Pond Post hoodie and T-Shirt (very sorry but no, they are not available as of yet)
At school, Camilla’s homeroom teacher arrived with a small chocolate and vanilla two layer cake to school in honor of Camilla’s and another’s birthday that weekend. The eighth grade enjoyed their cake cut with a plastic butter knife and spoon in homeroom and a little of Social Studies. Camilla also lucked out for a birthday school day that included a lockdown drill during snack time on the recess yard, and... a traveling petting zoo rewarding children who completed their summer homework. The petting zoo brought two kid goats, two silky chickens, four ducks (only for looking, not for touching,) an extremely large lazy rabbit and a bin of tiny red-eyed white ones.
After school, Camilla had her snack of pancakes with strawberry sauce and opened the rest of her presents before starting to set up for the party. Soon, the burritos were retrieved from Bajas (steak and bean,) the snacks were set up and the people started arriving. After a night of board game amusement, burrito gobbling, piano playing and ice cream cake eating, Camilla declared it a good day.