Painted Turtle Progress Results

By Camilla Garrison

As some of the readers may know after last year's posts, Camilla and Isaac had been observing and training the behavior of painted turtles from the Crescent Pond by removing net usage. Now this study continues into 2024. So far at there has been a good number of turtle feedings this June, here are the results and some observations:

  • The turtles are getting faster and faster getting over to the dock when they hear footsteps.

  • There are about eight regular turtles each feeding session.

  • These turtles include one mom, a tiny baby, a teenager, one large turtle and a few medium sized ones

  • Myrtle the three legged turtle is nowhere to be seen this season, we assume that Myrtle is gone from the land of the live turtles, and succumbed to the muck. R.I.P M.T.T (Myrtle The Turtle)


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