The Kitten Transportation Methods

By Camilla Garrison

Now that the kittens have mostly completed harness training, Camilla wants them to see the sights! The only trouble is that Echo and Ember are too young for tick medicine, which means no grass and bushes for them, they’ll need to find other modes of transportation. The first thing Camilla tried off-porch, was a wheelbarrow, she rescued one wheelbarrow from further decay on the Big Barn property, but it turned out to have a nice big rusty hole in the bottom, and the other was full of the most disgusting water you have ever seen, containing wood and a few bugs. After cleaning and drying the more intact of the two , Camilla lay down some of the old towels, and proceeded to test Echo and Ember’s first ride. Echo immediately disliked the whole thing, jumping out and wanting to go straight back to the comforts of the porch, or even better, under the couch! Ember did much better making it in a full lap around Claudia’s Surf City only jumping out four times!


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