Echo and Ember’s Journey Progresses

By Camilla Garrison

Recently, cat trainer Camilla has started a new program with kittens Echo and Ember. Now they are mostly leash and harness tolerating, and are taking daily excursions to the porch or the front or back yard, Camilla is starting training sessions focusing on getting their paws used to water as a first step towards swimming. Well you might think now that this is obviously impossible because all cats are afraid of water right? But you’d be wrong . Apparently, (this is a scientific study of the Internet sources) cats are naturally born with a knack for swimming, but usually the hatred of water is formed from forced and unpleasant experiences with getting their paws wet, for example, too hot or cold water and the human forcing a cat into a tub. If proper training is applied, keeping positive associations with water only, then some cats will actually take a liking to swimming and water in general. The first step to get a cat liking water is the paws, Camilla has just started the first training technique which is putting tiny robotic fish in a bowl of water for the cats to bat at and slowly “hunt” in the water. The HPP will be following Echo and Ember as their journey progresses, so keep your eyes open for the next article!

A video that proves Ragdoll’s can like water after training: Click Here (Though it looks like it, this is not Ember!)


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