Camilla Tries to Drown the Cats

By Camilla Garrison

On one fine Tuesday afternoon, Camilla had what she thought was a very good idea. She would put the cats in the pool the Garrison’s had gotten from the Porter’s, who had gotten it from the Block Island Bulletin Board. This pool was on its very last breaths, and could no longer inflate past the second layer, though it was fun while it lasted.

Camilla tried Echo first, she got him all ready in his harness and leash, brought him outside, and plopped him right into the pool. Echo kind of ran across, then jumped out and just stood there on the towel until Camilla gave him some freeze-dried chicken, before wrapping him up, and bringing him inside. Now once she had seen Ember’s reaction, she was much more impressed with Echo’s performance.

Now for Ember’s turn…

Camilla was most definitely not prepared for Ember’s thoughts on the pool. First she floated a bowl of their favorite treat, freeze dried chicken in the pool, (she had done this for Echo as well) and let him look into the pool, but since he wouldn’t jump in on his own, Camilla picked him up and placed him in the water in front of the pool. This next part went very quickly in real life: As soon as he was put in, Ember went for the chicken, but since he didn’t quite grasp the concept of floating/sinking so ended up with his head under water, stuck in a bowl. After this happened, he freaked out harder that he’s ever freaked out before. He did manage to keep his leash on, but did run around like a maniac in the yard and under the privet bush which Camilla then followed him under, and got her hair stuck in the bush with a psycho cat on a leash. Hannah Garrison witnessed the entire event. Once they got out of the bush, Camilla put him in a nice old towel, and brought him inside for some treats. Now, a few days after it seems as though the cats have forgotten about this event, because they have shown no hatred towards Camilla.

Now that was the intended use for a Kitty Pool!


Construction at the Big Barn and Claudia’s Surf City


Updates on the Porter Garden Deer attack